WCC K-6 students and staff celebrating recent awards and recognition! It's great to be a BEAR! 🐻

Hi White County Central Elementary parents!
Grandparents are a huge part of our children's lives, and they can be a fantastic support in reaching those reading goals. During our Read-A-Thon, they can help encourage your child by donating to your child's reading goal. To help them get involved, below is a link you can use to easily email them about supporting our fundraiser:
Together let's encourage a lifelong passion for reading!

Princess for a Day Cheerleading Fundraiser:
¡Las porristas del WCC tendrán una recaudación de fondos de Princesa por un día el 14 de marzo de 6:00 a 8:00 p. m. en High School Commons! El costo es de $10. ¡Ven vestida como tu princesa favorita! Tu día real incluye peinado, brillo facial, fotomatón, una película de princesas y bocadillos. ¡Un padre debe acompañar al estudiante!
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el entrenadora Madison (mapate@wccbears.org) o el entrenadora Fisher.

The WCC Cheerleaders have a Princess for a Day fundraiser coming up on March 14th from 6:00-8:00 pm in the High School Commons! Cost is $10. A guardian must accompany the student! If you have any questions, please contact Coach Madison or Coach Fisher.

It's time for the WCCHS BOOK FAIR!! It begins March 10 and will be open all week including parent/teacher conference night in the high school library. Books for all ages available! You will also have an opportunity to sign up for a White County Libraries card that can be used at all public libraries in White County. Make plans to attend the book fair! It really is the best time of the school year!

We're thrilled to announce that our Read-A-Thon is underway! We're counting on you to make it a success. If you haven't already, please take a moment to activate your child’s personal reader page by clicking on the following link:
It only takes a minute or two, and your support will greatly assist us in meeting our financial goals.
Thank you for your help in reaching our goal.
White County Central Elementary

Read Across America Spirit Week is in full swing! Wacky Sock Day is Wednesday! Our Read A Thon started, too! We have already raised $1,480.00! Thank you so much! There is still time to register and Read!😊

📢 Bear Necessities Hot Chocolate Education Day – A Sweet Success! 🍫☕
Our students had a deliciously fun and educational time at the Bear Necessities Hot Chocolate Education Day! 🎉
🍫 They explored the journey of cocoa beans—learning how they are cooked and transformed into the chocolate we all love!
📊 They sorted and graphed different types of chocolate candy, turning treats into a hands-on math lesson.
🏃♂️ They got active with a chocolate relay race and an exciting game of Chocolate Hungry Hungry Hippo!
☕ And, of course, they wrapped up their sweet learning adventure with a warm cup of hot chocolate to enjoy!
At White County Central Bear Necessities Afterschool Program, learning is always fun, engaging, and enriching! 💡📚 #BearNecessities #HotChocolateDay #LearningIsSweet #WCCAfterschool

🌟 Shoutout to Incredible Educators, Staff & Administrators! 🌟
A huge thank you to Mrs. Deanna Smith and Mrs. Lori Smith, two phenomenal 5th-grade teachers who truly go above and beyond for their students! ❤️ This Saturday, March 1st, these amazing ladies are selflessly giving up their weekend to provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the WCC 5th grade class—attending a Razorback College Baseball Game in Fayetteville, Arkansas! ⚾🐗
For many of our students, this will be an experience they may have never had otherwise. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Lori are making it possible, demonstrating the same passion and dedication they bring into their classrooms every day. They believe that high expectations, love, and selfless acts inspire students to strive for success, and their actions speak louder than words.
At White County Central School District, we also have phenomenal administrators. Both our middle school principal, Mr. Strother, and our superintendent, Mr. Smith, will be attending the field trip to support their students and staff. Their presence exemplifies true leadership by example. WCC is blessed with leaders who not only manage but actively participate in and support our community’s growth and development.
👏 Special thanks also go to Mrs. Rebecca Patterson, who has volunteered to attend the trip as well to support our students, along with our two amazing coaches, Coach Kersey and Coach T, who are generously giving their time to drive the bus! 🚍💙
Let’s show these incredible educators, staff, and administrators some appreciation for their dedication! Drop a comment below to cheer them on! ❤️⬇️
#WCCProud #AboveAndBeyond #EducatorsWhoInspire #5thGradeTeam #MrsLoriAndMrsDeannaAtWCCRock #LeadershipInAction

Mark Wagner, Michael Strother, and Jackie Starks proudly represented WCC Elementary at the ESEA Conference in Austin, TX, where the school was honored with the 2024 National ESEA Distinguished School Award. The principals also had the opportunity to attend professional development sessions focused on the conference's 2025 theme, "Focus on Improvement", gaining valuable insights to bring back to our school community.

White County Central Elementary, Middle and High Schools have been recognized by the Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas as schools where students demonstrated high growth on the ATLAS!
White County K-6 received the following awards:
High Overall Growth (Statewide)
High ELA Growth (Statewide)
High Overall Growth (Northeast region)
High Math Growth (Northeast region)
High ELA Growth (Northeast region)
White County Central 7-12 received the following awards:
High Overall Growth (Statewide)
High Math Growth (Statewide)
High Overall Growth (Northeast region)
High Math Growth (Northeast region)
Just another reason to choose White County Central! School Choice deadline is May 1st!

It was an exciting day for WCC Elementary Bears of the Month. Following the ribbon cutting by Mr. Smith, each Bear of the Month received a token and selected their book of choice from our new book machine! Bears of the Month consistently exhibit exemplary behavior at school, and we are so proud of them! Congratulations Bears!

CHOOSE White County Central and be a part of our SUCCESS! School Choice deadline is May 1st!

All Juniors will take the ACT on Monday, March 3rd! Please make sure you are on-time because you will not be permitted to enter once testing has started. Get a good night's sleep, eat a good breakfast and do your best!! You've got this!

Due to unsafe travel conditions on bus routes White County Central will be closed Friday February 21st. We hope everyone continues to stay safe and warm!

White County Central School District will be closed Thursday, Feb. 20 due to unsafe road conditions. Enjoy another snow day!

Due to inclement weather, White County Central School District will be closed Wednesday, February 19. Stay safe and warm!

Pee Wee Cheerleading practice is canceled for tonight on Tuesday, February 18th. We will be resuming cheer practice the following Tuesday, February 25th & Thursday, February 27th till 5:30 in the auditorium. Thank you, Coach Crawford & Coach Creameans

JH Quiz Bowl ended their season Saturday with a 3rd place finish at State Finals!

Parents, There will be no school on Monday, February 17th (Presidents' Day).