Elementary will have Kona Ice today, starting at 12:00!
over 5 years ago, Karla Louks
All athletes (7-12th grade) had the honor of having an afternoon of pizza and fun in the gym today. The athletic assembly is tonight at 5:30pm in the auditorium. No food will be served during the assembly. The students honored Carson and Peyton Brown today with certificates.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
White County Central is conducting a mock lock down drill campus wide. The drill will begin at 12:50 and should be over in 15 minutes. Again this is ONLY a drill.
over 5 years ago, Dean Stanley
Friday is the last day to pre-order your 2019 (THIS school year) yearbook. They are $50. They will be here in August and we will have a distribution signing party. There will be few extras to purchase so make sure you get your order in now!
over 5 years ago, Melanie Dickerson
From Officer Reeves: In an effort to maintain the rapport that we gain with families and students during the school year, the Sheriff's Dept is allowing me to stay in our WCC Community during my regular work hours this summer. I am looking for events to stop by that our kids attend during the summer months, such as VBS, church events, cook outs, birthday parties, ball games, etc. You can reach me at 501-593-7411 or email dreeves@wccsd.k12.ar.us. I’ll be cruising through all of the WCC School District this summer, so don't hesitate to flag me down to say hi!
over 5 years ago, Matt Jones
These are the corrected times for the semester tests next week.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
The athletic awards assembly for 7-12 grades is Thursday, May 16, at 5:30 pm in the auditorium. Food will NOT be served.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
WCC BearLand District Newsletter
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
Parents, It IS NOT too late to sign your child(ren) up for Parent's Night Out! You can call the Elementary Office, text (501)230-6747, or email baltom@wccsd.k12.ar.us to sign them up. Please do so BEFORE 2:30 p.m. this afternoon! They will stay after school and you don't have to pick them up until 10:00 p.m.! Enjoy an evening to yourself!!! They will enjoy play time, a snack, supper, craft time and a movie!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
Due to the weather, Kona Ice for elementary has been moved to the 20th.
over 5 years ago, Karla Louks
Seniors, don’t forget you have to bring your cap and gown today to practice.
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
We have a limited number of LAST year (2018) yearbooks for sale for $20. You may stop by the high school if you would like to purchase one. May 17 is the last day to order THIS years (2019) book for $50. There will few extras ordered so don't miss out!
over 5 years ago, Melanie Dickerson
Just a reminder that TOMORROW, MAY 7th, will be the CELEBTRATION for Sr. BETA Members beginnning at 6:30 p.m. in the Commons! Members (who bought a sash) will be presented with the sashes they will wear at graduation! Parents are welcome to attend. Cake and Ice Cream will be served!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
Elementary Parents: Please check your child's folder for paperwork from the office. In order to reduce paperwork in the fall we have sent information forms home with your child for you to look at and make corrections or complete. Please send back to school as soon as you can.
over 5 years ago, Yvonne Sturdivant
Girls basketball practice on Monday will end at 4:30 instead of 5:00.
over 5 years ago, Tammy Parish
Thank a teacher this week! Teacher appreciation week May 6-May 10!!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
BearLand Weekly!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
The Pee Wee Track Meet has been rescheduled for Monday, May 6th...weather permitting.
over 5 years ago, Yvonne Sturdivant
over 5 years ago, Melanie Dickerson
Order your yearbook now! The last day to order is May 17.They are $50. 2019 yearbooks will be delivered in August and there will be very few extras to purchase so secure your book by ordering now! You can also order online athttp://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A00382000
over 5 years ago, Melanie Dickerson
limited supply