Boys Pee Wee bracket. The bus will leave immediately after school.
Pee Wee Girls bracket. The bus will leave immediately after school bring your uniform to school.
Spring Fest starts at 4:00!! Lots of food and fun for the whole family!! Come enjoy this beautiful day! We can’t wait to see you!
All the graduation cords are ready....
Don’t forget Spring Fest tomorrow night 4:00-6:00!!! We hope to see you there!
Staff and students- Don’t forget to wear your #BearsfightforCarson t-shirts tomorrow. We will be taking a group picture!
There is no e sports practice today but there is games on Tuesday and Wednesday after school
Prom contracts are due today, Monday, April 1.
Mark your calendars for Spring Fest this Tuesday (April 2nd)!! 4:00-6:00 We hope to see you there!
Thanks again to everyone who donated cash/coins and purchased t-shirts to benefit Carson Brown and his family. All of the t-shirts have been delivered and we would like for all students and staff who purchased a t-shirt to wear them on Tuesday, April 2nd. #BearsfightforCarson
Thanks again!
Kona Ice today at 1:00 for elementary! $3 Classic, $4 Tulip cup, $5 color changing, refillable cup.
We are very excited to be hosting SpringFest on Tuesday, April 2nd 4:00-6:00!! The weather is forecasted to be beautiful. We will have games, food, and activities for the whole family to enjoy. This event is similar to our Fall Fest. We will sell tickets for you to participate in the events. We hope to see you there!
Jose Vazquez earned his certification in Microsoft Excel!
Apparently several did not get spring picture forms for 7-12. If you want to purchase and do not have a form, come prepared to take a picture and you will get a proof to order from when they come in. Sorry for the confusion.
Don’t forget that tomorrow is baseball, softball, and shooting sports team pictures. It is also 7-12 spring pictures. Only those that bring payment with their forms will get pictures done.
Updated blood drive information!
The Senior BETA Club at White County Central School District will be hosting their Annual Spring Blood Drive IN HONOR OF CARSON BROWN, Thursday, April 18th from 8:30 a.m. until 2:15 p.m. The blood drive will be held in the Elementary Cub House! For more information or to schedule an appointment you may contact Brandy Altom at (501)230-6747 or at
If your blood type is A+, A-, O+ or O- ... your blood can be donated to CARSON! Let's continue to help Carson fight this battle!!!!!!
The Senior BETA Club at White County Central School District will be hosting their Annual Spring Blood Drive, Thursday, April 18th from 8:30 a.m. until 2:15 p.m. The blood drive will be held in the Elementary Cub House! For more information or to schedule an appointment you may contact Brandy Altom at (501)230-6747 or at
Our great WCC seniors were able to go to Silver Dollar City today!!
We have some important ACT Aspire testing coming up!! Please see the attached document!
WCC vs Southside Batesville Lycanthropes today! E Sports!!!