We hope you had a great break. Just a reminder that Students return Tuesday, Jan 7th. We can’t wait to see them!
about 5 years ago, Yvonne Sturdivant
K-4 students: Tomorrow is pajama day and Christmas parties!!
about 5 years ago, Yvonne Sturdivant
Destiny Watkins is our featured 'Class of 2020' WCC senior. This is Destiny's 13th year at WCC. Once Destiny graduates she plans to go to UAACB to become a RN. The most important thing that Destiny has learned while in high school is to 'Be you -. don't worry about what others think.' The advice Destiny gives to students in school is to study and do your work. Destiny's favorite class is Mr. Clouse's math classes and her favorite food and drink is Mexican food and sweet tea. Destiny learns best by 'doing' whatever needs to be learned. Destiny's favorite book is 'Hatchet' by Gary Paulsen. Congratulations Destiny!!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
The 5th-6th grade GIRLS basketball party is Thursday after school from 3:30-5:00pm. Girls will be playing White Elephant/Dirty Santa. If a student wants to participate in the game, then bring a gift with a $10-$15 limit. The girls signed up last week on what food/drink to bring. Please pick up your child by 5:00 at the multi-purpose gym.
about 5 years ago, Sam Farris
Little Dribblers will perform tonight! K-1 need to meet in the multi-purpose building at 6:00 and 2-4 need to meet in the reserved spot in gym at 6:30. Feel free to wear Christmas attire along with your Little Dribblers shirt!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
Congratulations to Robert Mobley! The High Five Award was given Robert Mobley from Steve Feather. Here is what Steve has to say about Robert: "I am passing the high five award to Mr. Robert. He is always quick to address any maintenance issue that arises no matte how large or small with a positive attitude. I have never heard him complain about fixing anything. Furthermore, he always makes time to interact with the students and staff along the way. Whether it be a quick wave or a conversation, Mr. Robert always strives to put a smile on the face of anyone who is fortunate enough to cross his path. It is a pleasure to work with Robert. Everything that you do is great appreciated!" Congratulations Robert!!
about 5 years ago, Yvonne Sturdivant
Steve Feather giving Robert Mobley the High Five Award.
Some of our WCC’s high school teachers performed a dance today in the pep rally to show their school spirit. Thank you teachers!!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
Today was BearNation Day!!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
These girls helped sell spirit ribbons this morning. Thanks girls!!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
WCC District BearLand Weekly
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
WCC BearNation t shirts are on sale now. This is what we have left in stock. Please come to the high school office to purchase yours. 4xl- 1 3xl- 2 2xl- 1 Adult xl- 3 Adult large- 3 Adult Med-7 Adult Sm- 7 Youth small-3 $7 for regular sizes, $9 for anything above XL.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
These are the winners of the 7/8th grade writing contest. They worked hard and wrote some very intriguing short stories. Ms Boyce and the rest of WCC are very proud of these students’ work.
about 5 years ago, Sam Farris
7/8 Writing contest
‘Trample the tigers’ spirit ribbons are on sale at the high school office today for one dollar.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
Bus 4, Mr. Clouse’s bus may be late this morning picking up your child. We apologize for the inconvenience.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
Glow shirts were passed out to the students today.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
Thank you to Jr High FBLA and all those who participated in the 7/8 student dance. We raised $400 for the Make A Wish Foundation.
about 5 years ago, Sam Farris
Congratulations to Mr. Steve Feather (Physical Therapist)! He is the recipient of the High Five Award. Mrs. Raven Slane presented him with the award! Here is what Mrs. Slane had to say about Mr. Steve, "I am passing the high five award to Mr. Steve. I have NEVER seen him without a smile on his face. He is always so friendly to the staff as well as the students. The students are always thrilled to be able to "play" with Mr. Steve. He is making a difference daily in the lives of our students and I am very grateful that our students have the opportunity to be in his presence. He is also very and flexible understandable when it comes to assemblies, recess, etc. Most of all, he always laughs at my jokes and for that I am forever grateful! HA! We appreciate all that you do!" Thank you Mr. Steve for all you do for our students.
about 5 years ago, Yvonne Sturdivant
Mrs. Slane presenting the High Five Award to Mr. Steve.
We will be selling spirit ribbons this Friday, Dec. 13th, for a dollar. Someone will come to your child’s class first thing Friday morning for grades K-8 to sell them. 9-12th grade students will need to purchase theirs in the HS office. Remember all WCC students get in free this night to the game!!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood
7th Grade Jamboree @ Bald Knob this Saturday
about 5 years ago, Sam Farris
Select FCCLA students attended the FCCLA District 2 Leadership Conference In Conway. Nakoah Poteat, Anthony McKellips, & Faith Williams received recognition for participating in STAR Events.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Jackye Underwood