9-12th grades All A and A/B Honor Roll. Biggest group we’ve ever had!
Tomorrow’s games versus Bradford will begin at 4:30 pm. Doors will open at 4:00. This is a change from the original schedule. Hope to see you there!
WCC’s Trevor Schmidt reading!!
Anna Grace Powell learning about WCC’s drone!!
2019 Bear Cubs Workers! Thanks for giving your time to our younger students! Go Bears!
Information regarding CAPCA White County Commodity Distribution on Friday, Oct. 25th from 8:15 am to 11:30 am at the National Guard Armory, 3105 S. Main St., Searcy. You can contact them at 501-279-2015.
Attention WCC Families...Parenting with a Purpose class information
Attention parents of car riders: Beginning Thursday (10/24) the gate to the car rider parking lot will remained locked until 2:30. Please adjust your arrival time accordingly
Support our Bears when they play on the road tonight!
Aerial Inman from the Arkansas Rehabilitation Services visited with our seniors today!
7/8 grade all a and a/b honor roll! Congratulations!!
Congratulations 5th and 6th graders!!! 5th grade all A Honor roll, 6th grade all A Honor roll, 5th grade A/B Honor roll and 6th grade A/B Honor roll
Congratulations to October's Bears of the Month.
HS Art club is having fun prepping the cardboard maze for Harvest Fest next week!
WCC District BearLand Newsletter!!
You can still order online for Thursday's paint party! Go to https://www.whippoorwillcharm.com/event-details/white-county-central-school-fundraiser and order your doorhanger now!
Kona Ice will be at the high school Friday, Oct. 18 from 10am to 10:45am for high school students!
Senior Citizen Day at WCC!! These guys are showing some great spirit!
School picture retake day is October 23. If you were absent on picture day or need to retake your pictures, this is the day! If you purchased and need a retake, simply return your original package on retake day and get another taken. You can still order online at mylifetouch.com with ID: EVT2D9PVZ
Parents, we were made aware today of a threat by a student to other students at the high school. Dr. Underwood and Officer Reeves were able to respond very quickly to the threat and appropriate actions have been taken.